OpenCoffee se va intampla intr-un loc regulat si intr-un interval orar regulat. Uneori va veni multa lume, alteori nu va veni nimeni, insa asta nu conteaza. Este important ca cei interesati sa stie ca daca vor sa-si bea cafeaua in compania altor personaje interesate de Web, exista un loc si o zi stabilite in care pot face asta.
Intalnirile vor fi foarte deschise si nu vor avea o agenda foarte stricta. Asta nu inseamna ca nu se va face nimic si ca vom pierde timpul.
Vom discuta despre:
- scena Internetului in general
- vom face demo-uri de aplicatii
- lumea va putea propune probleme de discutat la care cei interesati vor participa
- se va face networking
- e posibil sa treaca din cand in cand si ceva investitori
- etc.
Ca sa va faceti o idee mai buna despre ce se intampla la OpenCoffee in alte orase, iata cateva idei ale unor participanti:
Let’s not treat it just another social networking event - if you don’t make it along, it’s not the end of the world - there’s one every week. You don’t have to go round speaking to everyone - sometimes it’s good to meet a few good people and a few in-depth discussions - the other people will probably be there next week!
More demonstrations - let’s have more of these. We noticed one or two people going to one of the tables and just showing some new technology or even what they have been working on to-date. Definitely should be much more of this. You never know, it might stir some ideas for business partnerships with people or they may be able to match you with people who can help and enhance your offering. Plus, it’s much more fun!
Never, ever, have name badges or colour coded tags: it’s not that type of event and never should be. It’s not even an event - it’s a place where internet people come and go for coffee, chat, and a cake.
Let's aim as Marc Eisenstadt for an"overwhelmingly positive can-do atmosphere, and the very high signal-to-noise ratio."
Journalists, VC’s, and Angels are more than welcome and we should help give them some fun and interesting stories, and opportunities. These guys often have a good perspective on the industry as a whole and are definitely worth talking to in the non-pitch sense. Remember, they’re here to take part too and get away from people trying to sell them things - at least for a few hours.
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